Freebies and Fun Stuff!
Explore Wacky World Studios' Freebies: fun coloring pages, puzzles, sketching tutorials, and more to come. Perfect for kids to unleash their creativity!
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Calling All Children's Ministry
and VBS Leaders!
Over the years we've collaborated on lots of great decorating how-to videos. Find some fun ideas to theme your space on a budget!
(Tip: Click the YouTube logo on the player for fullscreen options.)

Create your own rock wall (Part 1)
Create Your Own Rock Wall (Part 2)
Making a Bamboo Stool
Creating Water with Cellophane
Building a Hut (Part 1)
Building a Hut (Part 2)
Building a Hut (Part 3)
Creating Stones from Boxes
Courtyard Arches with Foam
Quick Spray Painting Technique
Adding Texture To Siding
Creating Clouds with Foam
Making Palm Trees & Foliage
Brush & Painting Techniques
Mixing Paint & More
Using a Hot Knife on Foam
Making a Royal Throne
Creating a Boat Prop
Build a Rustic TAble
Building a Ship Cabin
Creating Animal Cutouts
Creating an Anchor & Chain
Bricks & Stone Texture
Making String Light Lanterns
Building a Rocket Ship
Building an Arch from Cardboard
Making Paper Rocks